Selling “Sales Learnings” to freshers

Kevin Shah
3 min readMay 2, 2015

2. Self Conduct

My earlier article tells about simplicity of sales, but if doing sales is so simple why don’t we all excel at it ?, Because we miss out on important aspects of our conduct!

Few important characteristics which not only help us in being a distinguished sales person but also a distinguished professional are indited below,

First of these is confidence in one self!.There are people who are born with confidence but most require reason to feel confident.

1. Confidence in oneself

What comes to your mind when you look at yourself in mirror. A winner? A hustler who can mend ways? A good human? an amicable person? Or a loser ?

What comes to your mind is a reflection of your past experiences , your personal judgments of those situations and how you dealt with it.

Most of us gain confidence when we know we have seen worst of times and were able to get through it victoriously Or we have been lucky to be surrounded by appreciative people who have always appreciated us for works we did.

Whatever it might be, find your reason to see yourself as a rising sun.

From sales point of view, most people lack confidence to talk to people or speak firstly. This can be tackled only with practice and giving time to yourself.

I gained confidence to talk by taking a topic ,the simplest, how was my day and speak of it in front of mirror with recording machine on.
Listening to recording machine helps you see where you stand and how you can improve. Best part of it comes when over the months you compare your first day and current day. When you hear yourself improving you undoubtedly gain coincidence.

2. Self discipline

In karate kid, Why does Jackie Chan ask jaden smith to pick his jacket and hang it in myraid during training him karate.
Simple reason, self discipline is the bedrock of karate.
Discipline helps us not only in sales or any profession but also in living our daily lives better.

Coming to point,
How does it help in sales?
It brings us back to same data sheet, same phone, with same tone. It helps us being religious with our work from polishing shoes to shaving to ironing clothes, all done effortlessly. It helps to you portray a dapper personality.

The best illustration of discipline is being the same smiling sales guy (with aggressive approach ) throughout the day. Staring the day with smile and ending the day with it, be the day be full of nemesis.

3. Confidence in product
Yes you need to be confident that your product indeed solves a problem for the buyer , makes profit for the buyer or makes living better for the buyer.

The best way to get this feeling right is to get aligned with the vision of the product, why was it actually made? what was the purpose? There has to be a logical reason which convinces you to sell it with utmost passion. To help customers cherish the positive change that you envision to provide.

Other good way to realize this is wait for the first conversion, the first feedback!
The smile on the face of the customer, conveys it all. It gives you the feeling of having an impact on the society, your contribution to the society. You have made someone’s life better! And there is no feeling better!!

Yes, these are not all but few I found most helpful conducts of life and Sales profession.

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.

